Saturday, August 22, 2009

Karambunai~(biotech 09/10 family day)

Figure 1(a) : This is Karambunai ,one of the beautiful view of Sabah~

Figure 1 (b) : The Biotech 09/10 Family day frm 6.30 am til 11pm(hell too long)

We went to the family as i pay the money and wanna try out what would be lyk...the seniors work so hard for we the newcomer...but , not what i had imagine...the time took too long and it is not well organized tired spending the whole day there...anyway , i like the simple view there~

p/s : i didnt update my blog for so long..bcuz of life is not tat free than i thought..and the school wireless line is not that good that i expect..well..everything need to be tolerate..Gambatte..>..<


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