Friday, June 19, 2009

In Manila for 4 D 3 N....^^

I went to filipine on the last 15th june until 18th which mean i just got back..actually , i was goin with my mum without tours..which i prefer follow the tour more..since we dont even have a like we were goin around without knowing a place properly..the thing i was satisfied enough is only the mall...i jz took few pictures..let's do some sharing here....

Figure 1: Should be goin to the Robinson mall..waiting(open at 10am)

Figure 2: We couldn't wait..have breakfast at 'MoMo Cafe'

Figure 3 : Chicken wat oledi..forgot already the name of this...=.="

Figure 4 : This's mine..lagsana..i guez..

figure 5: See..we were in the things is cheaper thr..nice to shop if you got the money..hehe

figure 6 : We went to Ajisen's ramen shop at Robinson's mall and eat fried rice for two...

figure 7 : Then is the Rizal's park..

Figure 8: San Agustin Church...oldest church in Manila~

Figure 9: The chinese cemetry which we shouldn't my mum believs is nt good travel visiting jz take a pic thr..they so rich tat until they build the cemetry tat nice...

Figure 10;We having dinner at 'Super Bowl' In Robinson's mall

Figure 11: Finally , is the last view on nite from my hotel room...

Comment : As you can see...we not goin tat much places for 4 day 3 night staying at Manila..the place is messy..there many people..and cars city..anyway ,Nice trip...although im nt 100% almost 65%..hehe..lastly , thx my mum for sponser me goin thr..hehe..


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