She is thankful for having such a good friends and appreciate all the things she has today..
Then, another things is she want to make her own video for her cat..called bainongnong(White cat), this is bainongnong's picture..

That is bainongnong..She is cute, right!! >,< pity my cat, she always alone at home since her mother (nongnong) passed away, and everytime when the author back home..she keep meowing..Owh..really want to give her a big hug...
But..don't judge a book by its cover, this cat is actually a Dangerous cat!! Her claw is as sharp as a, be careful when you hug her..she don't get used to be hugged...hahaha
Anyway, the author will try to learn making a good video we can watch it. stay tune~
Aiyuko a.k.a Kanshou
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