Monday, January 23, 2012

A Confession

I wrote something in my note book, some quotes that i believed can encourage me in my daily life.

1) Learn to say ' I Can' instead of 'I Can't'.
2) Failure is not falling down; you fail when you didn't get up.
3) Don't be surprised to discover that luck favors those who are prepared.
4) Refuse to set limitations on yourself.
5) They can do all because they think they can.

Wow..all these quotes are good, and NOT BELONG ME, no copyright intended.
Incredibly, after three years of writing those quotes, i never once do that in my life, instead of saying 'I Can' , i always say 'I Can't'.
Well, one good thing in these three year is i changed to become more optimistic, but i also become more lazy with my optimistic thinking ' why force yourself to do it, when you don't like it'..and eventually, i lost my motivation to pursue my dream. Dream? did you just said that?? What is my dream suppose to be?? Well..You said that you need time to find your dream, but that was only an excuse, a way for you to escape from the reality..

So, this is just a confession to blog. Wow, is great doing this, isn't it? will someone ever read this?? haha, well, if someone did, no worry right, cause they never going to know is Me in the real life. =P